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What Are Posters?


Posters are printed on heavy satin poster paper in full color on our eight color Roland printer. They are generally used to display temporary and highlighted information for professional and non-professional institutions. Our posters use a variety of colors, fonts, logos, backgrounds, boarders, artwork, and graphics to get the intended message across to readers. 

Double-Sided Tape

Applying double-sided tape to the back of your sign allows you to stick it directly to most surfaces. This eliminates the need for holes to be drilled into walls, while also completely supporting your sign. Double-sided tape is generally recommended for small plastic opaque signage.

Hygiene Signs

Donahoo Engraving is dedicated to providing quality products and professional customer service.

Store Location

3514 Morton St,
Jacksonville, FL 32217
Open M-F 7:30am-4:00pm EST